
$25 donation = 1 QT Bear gifted to a child in need

 QT Bears for Los Angeles Children's Hospital

Happening now!!! We are raising money to be able to gift QT Bears to children battling cancer at the Children's Hospital of Los Angeles. 

We have teamed up with an initiative called, Jesus Loves LA to make this mission happen.

"Jesus loves LA is an initiative that does creative acts of kindness in Los Angeles. Each act of kindness is inspired by the testimonies of Christians in LA who have been radically met by the love of Jesus. We hope to spread this love as we share these QT Bears with the children in the Oncology unit at Los Angeles Children's Hospital." 

For every $25 raised, we'll be able to make a child feel comforted with the gift of a QT Bear. 

Our goal is to be able to donate 100 bears, but regardless of how much we raise, we will use 100% of our proceeds to create as many bears as we can for these children.


Thank you so much for joining our mission to spread joy through our community. We couldn't do this without YOU!